The Notre Dame Campus Pilgrimage is a self-guided tour of 13 sacred sites on the University of Notre Dame's campus. Each stage of the pilgrimage includes an overview of the campus landmark, a reflection, and a prayer.
This free resource is meant to provide a glimpse of the rich spiritual life on Notre Dame's campus and provide an opportunity for meaningful spiritual reflection.
Sign up here to have a free copy delivered to your inbox.
The McGrath Institute for Church Life bridges the Catholic intellectual life and the life of the Church in order to form and empower faithful Catholic leaders for service to the Church and thereby the world. In collaboration with our ecclesial partners, we propose and enact a renewed vision of Church life through scholarship, pastoral expertise, and teaching to discern and address the needs of the Church.
[fa icon="phone"] 574-631-5510
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[fa icon="home"] 342 Geddes Hall, Notre Dame IN 46556